Thank you for choosing to fundraise, we are truly grateful for your support in this special way.
Every donation, no matter how big or small will help to bring compassionate care and loving support to palliative patients and their families.

1. Make a gift from your heart
Start your fundraising by being the first to make a donation. Family and friends are more likely to donate, if you have donated to the cause yourself.

2. Share
Send emails or post on your socials to let everyone know that you are walking for Mary Potter and would appreciate their support. Make sure you upload a photo to your page and add a heartfelt message on why you are involved.

3. Pink Collection Box
If you elected to fundraise, you would have received a Pink Collection Box in the mail with your registration pack.
Pop it on your desk at work or on your kitchen counter to collect loose change you find in your pockets and from your family and friends.

4. Fundraise in more traditional ways
Host a bake sale, garage sale or casual day. Place the fundraising poster you received in your registration pack up on the wall in your workplace to encourage your colleagues to support you too!

5. Ask your company about matching gifts
Some companies will match employee fundraising efforts. Talk to your boss or HR department about whether this is something your company would consider for you. We've even made this super simple for you - check out our resources page for a letter we have written for you that you can take to your boss!

6. Say thank you
Your family and friends will be thanked by the Foundation, but you might like to send your own personal thank you message. When Walk for Love is over you could email everyone again to say thank you and share some photos from your day.
Looking for more tips to kickstart your fundraising? Download our Fundraising Guide for more ideas!